Monday, April 27, 2009

Who I Am

-This is who I am

I am the last day of school
Energetic and zestful
Impulsive and full of laughter
I bring the promise of an unforgettable summer.

I am the fox,
Watchful and sly
Running through the leaf filled forest
Hunting targeted prey, silent and unexpected

I am the sound of a saxophone
the sweeter I get, the more an audience appreciates
Although some may not hear the beauty at first
Once started, impossible to stop
I wrap the audience with my harmonious melody

I am a box of colored markers
Sometimes I blend in, creating new vibrant shades
Sometimes when mixed, the colors muddies the page
However alone, I stand out as the intense primary shade

I am a lion who roars with pride
Pacing through the savannah hunting for prey
I wait and rest for the sun to set
For then will be the time to strike
The time when the shadows of fear appear

The loud blast of music, the dance where all join in
I am your thumping heartbeat, everybody’s scream
I am the rushing excitement, the reason for your jumping
The air which is pushed out as you sing the last song

I am

Exquisite Corpse

I have chosen the image of above titled ‘Exquisite corpse’ because I felt it was abstract, and it represented how there is more than one side to me. The picture doesn’t show just a picture of a solid human, however many parts of a painting stuck together to create a whole new image.

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