Monday, November 23, 2009

School Of Athens -Raphael

How Can Art be a Mirror of Society?

The renaissance was an era of change, rediscovery of lost classical knowledge. Art which was produced during this time period mirrored the setting of society during the Renaissance. Art is an indirect representation of what the artist or the people of the society feel. In Raphael's famous fresco, 'The School of Athens' the image of many notable renaissance men were depicted each in their own spot teaching and exchanging knowledge with one another. The Renaissance was a time of inquiry, exploration and discovery. These people chosen to be displayed in Raphael's painting were all people who contributed greatly i
n the development of the Renaissance. Plato and Aristotle are in the center of the collection of notable figures. These main idea of the painting, the focal point. The painting starts from these two figures, a wise age old teacher along with his pupil Aristotle, a rather younger person. Plato points upwards into the majestic sky whilst Aristotle's hand faces horizontally. Just these small changes to the body is thought to show each of their theories, Plato's theory of forms and Aristotle's empiricist views. As the painting expands, there are many visible figures who are also eager to learn, or eager to teach.

Who Would I Be?

If I were to choose who from these several figures shown in the painting would best describe myself, I would choose Pythagoras, the father of numbers. Pythagoras founded theories and had discovered knowledge which none other could have thought of. Pythagoras was widely known for his skills in mathematics. I feel I could rather connect to this as I find mathematics fairly ea
sy, however I like to challenge myself and push myself to attempt at succeeding, achieving a greater goal. Pythagoras had believed that everything had a link to numbers, and I can too relate to this as I can always tell that behind even the simplest of things, are numbers used to either make use of it, or prove it to be functionable etc.

However, Pythagoras was not only widely known due to his knowledge in mathematics, but he was also known as the founder of the Pythagorean tuning. I believe that I can link to Pythagoras himself musically as I myself play 4 different instruments. I find myself rather musically active, and continuously attempting to discover new things by even just creating it. Like Pythagoras himself, I feel I am a continuous thinker. All reasons why I feel I could link to him specifically the most out of all the figures in the painting, 'The school of Athens'

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci, the Man of the Renaissance

Renaissance, meaning Rebirth talks of the rebirth of knowledge. Da Vinci's creations and paintings show that he had created and painted things exceeding anybody's imagination. Da Vinci craved to learn, being a true genius of the Renaissance. Da Vinci's paintings and creations helped people of the Renaissance see things in new ways. Leonardo introduced new ways of drawings and sculpting. He had introduced the idea and thought of flying, which most people of the Renaissance thought made Leonardo seem abnormal. However, it is Da Vinci, the reason why the city state which he stayed in, Florence had flourished and become more urbanized. Because of his creative view in the world, people were able to use these out of ordinary ideas for their benefits rather in war or for discovery. Da Vinci was one of the most remarkable people of the Renaissance who took a big part in the 'Rebirth' of new knowledge.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Painting by Rose Ganucheau.

The Voice Within

Young girl, don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl, it's all right
Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly

When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within

Young girl, don't hide
You'll never change if you just run away
Young girl, just hold tight
And soon you're gonna see your brighter day

Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you're lost outside look inside to your soul

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within

Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you're learning
You'll find all you'll ever need to know

You'll make it
You'll make it
Just don't go forsaking yourself
No one can stop you
You know that I'm talking to you

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within

Young girl don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall
~Christina Aguilera

I find the lyrics to Christina Aguilera's song, The voice within rather touching and meaningful. The theme of Listening to your heart in order to achieve your destiny is clearly shown in these lyrics.
"Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within "
This part of the song resembles to 'The Alchemist' when Santiago the protagonist is told by the Alchemist that he would have to listen to his heart, or in this case the voice within. Listening to his heart would guide his way into achieving his destiny. Throughout time and culture, people's beliefs do not change that determination, and being able to talk to your heart is what is needed in order to be able to achieve your destiny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The True Search of Destiny


Destiny staggers through the barren desert

Cloaked in a thin layer of rough dark tattered cloth

concealed from the rest of the world, discovered only by those who seek her.

~Cho Min Je

In native american culture, before puberty a child must set off on a vision quest in seek of a spiritual guardian animal without any help or guidance. Metaphorically speaking, before puberty, a child must set off on his/her journey to discover his/her destiny. However, this journey involves fasting, and can take up to several days. The spiritual guardian, or in this case, 'Destiny' is concealed from the rest of the world, and for those who seek her, they find her. After a vision quest, their spiritual guardian leads the child, as he grows older into becoming what his destiny would lead him to becoming.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dare stay Determined

One who feels he/she is ready to set off on a possible life changing journey must be able to stay determined on the way. Life tests the people who are daring enough to attempt in accomplishing their own destiny, with obstacles which without determination would be impossible to fulfill. Determination pushes one to surpass his/her limits. At times when I may get a bad grade, I am determined to raise the grade up, as it is like a wake up call to try better. Determination is a key trait, and component which helps drive one closer to achieving his or her destiny.

Painting by ~Kisskornel, Deviant Art

Adapting to the harsh realities of the world

“It is I who dared to do so’ – Many lives will be saved, because I was able to see through the soul of the world.” (Coelho 105) I believe this quote from the novel; ‘The Alchemist’ defines Santiago, at first a lonesome shepherd who craved travel, as a brave and determined individual. Andalusia is where Santiago first encounters the idea of his destiny, the first setting of the novel. As the novel progresses, Santiago’s destiny becomes clearer to him as he slowly approaches closer towards achieving it. Santiago is portrayed as an extraordinary individual whose characterizing traits of bravery, persistence and determination help guide him into the achievement of his destiny.

There are several passages in the novel which help define Santiago as a brave main protagonist. One example which shows his trait is Santiago’s name. Santiago’s name is an allusion from Santiago Matamoros, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Santiago Matamoros was a strong, brave believer, who would kill those who denied his beliefs. Santiago is a risk taker who manages to stay brave when facing challenges which he may need to overcome in order to achieve his hidden treasure. “It was a frightening bet. But he had been making risky bets ever since the day he had sold his sheep to pursue his destiny. And, as the camel driver had said, to die tomorrow was no worse than dying on any other day.” (103) this quote signals readers that Santiago has managed to stay brave, and take risks in order to achieve a greater goal. However, Santiago reassured himself of the things the camel driver said, “Dying tomorrow was no worse than dying on any other day” Santiago believes he has achieved many things throughout his journey in search of the hidden treasure awaiting him at the end of his destiny and that if he were to die there, he would have died after coming through so much. Santiago states that it was a frightening bet, however that he was now used to taking these risks for the better and that he knew it would be the right thing to do. Within the quote, Santiago also states that he had been making risky bets; ever since the day he has sold his sheep to pursue his destiny. The day he embarked on his journey to find the hidden treasure awaiting him at the end of his destiny, he had started off by giving up one of his dreams, for another. Without much thought, Santiago sold his sheep in order to help carry out his new destiny. Santiago’s bravery is one of the main traits which help him continuously throughout the novel in achieving his destiny. However he also relies on staying persistent.

Santiago is able to fulfill his destiny because of his ability to stay persistent. Santiago, meets a supposedly beautiful young woman of the desert, who Santiago instantly falls for. Unable to conceal his feelings inside, confesses his love for her and the two are quickly engaged in a relationship. His love for Fatimah means a great deal to him, however so does accomplishing his destiny. Therefore Santiago has to overcome one of the hardest obstacles on his journey. His heart. Although on his pursuit of his destiny, Santiago misses Fatimah terribly, he does not give up on doing what he had set off for. “Two years ago, I dreamed that I should travel to the fields of Spain and look for a ruined church where shepherds and their sheep slept. – But I’m not so stupid as to cross an entire desert just because of a recurrent dream.” – The boy stood up shakily, and looked once more at the pyramids. They seemed to laugh at him, and he laughed back, his heart bursting with joy. Because now he knew where his treasure was.” (155) in this passage of the novel, the leader refuge of the desert tells Santiago, that he shouldn’t be so stupid as into coming so far just to try find a treasure which seems so ridiculous. However the leader refuge instead of keeping Santiago’s hopes down, he helps him realize where his treasure had been hidden all along. He hadn’t given up throughout his whole journey and had survived the last challenge, his final obstacle. Santiago is able to carry on and not give up on his destiny because he is able to stay persistent, unlike many other individuals. While Santiago is certainly persistent, another character trait which helps him accomplish his destiny is determination.

One of the several traits which make up Santiago as a character is his strong level of determination, and helps him work towards his destiny. The boy first realizes his ‘destiny’ after visiting a gypsy, curious of a recurrent dream. After feeling the need to achieve his destiny, Santiago meets with the king of Salem, Melchizedek. Melchizedek asks of Santiago to sell his sheep to him for his blessing and guidance to help lead him on his way in reaching his destiny. Santiago is determined that his doing would be able to help accompany him in achieving his destiny. His actions suggests that Santiago is determined that he will be able to reach the treasure awaiting him at the end of his destiny. At a certain part in the novel, ‘The Alchemist’ Santiago is faced with one of the more difficult challenges which helped determine whether or not Santiago were to be killed or set free. Santiago, being able to speak the language of the world, communicates with the deserts, which leads him to the wind, and finally to god, in seek of asking to be granted the ability to transform him into wind. Although Santiago is not completely sure if his plan of talking directly to the soul of the world would grant him the ability to accomplish a superhuman act, he is determined to try as he is not ready to give up just then and risk the death of himself. As a boy, Santiago was willing to do the things he wanted to do, not the things his fathers, or ancestors wanted him to do. “The people who come here have a lot of money to spend, so they can afford to travel,” his father said. “Amongst us, the only ones who travel are the shepherds.” “Well then I’ll be a shepherd!” (Pg 9) This quote defines Santiago as the ultimate risk taking determined individual. He is willing to live his ways of lifestyle unlike how he has ever before because he wishes to what he wants. Santiago’s determination helps motivate him throughout time and time again in the book which helps him achieve goals no other person would have been able to accomplish.

Throughout Santiago’s pursuit of his destiny, he is faced with several challenges and obstacles which he must overcome in order for his success. Santiago’s traits of endless bravery, persistency and determination reappear several times in the novel ‘The Alchemist’ as these are the several of many key traits which keep him motivated and working actively towards his goal. Santiago serves as a great example, showing readers clearly that one’s traits help determine the probability of being able to accomplish one’s destiny. His ability to stay brave, persistent and determined throughout the book after having to complete several life changing trials is what builds up Santiago as a character. Santiago’s change in personality and character is shown clearly throughout the book to show how one can change so much and learn to be accustomed to some of the harsh realities of the world.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This I believe

I believe in cooperation. Any group of people no matter how different they are, no matter how much they may not look alike or if their personalities may differ greatly could work together to achieve a greater goal. My essay below expands more on this idea, and also another belief , that not only cooperation but the dedication to accomplish something is needed to achieve a goal, even if it may seem unreachable.

Click Here to view my This I Believe Essay

I chose this Picture because I felt that it represented 'cooperation' well. Even though it is a simple picture, I believe that there is a deeper meaning. All the people in the picture have different colors, however they are are linked with each other and they seem like they're working together well.

Picture link:

From Langston Hughes, to Who I am

Monday, April 27, 2009

Unity, Connected together around the world

The rather funny video titled, 'Where the hell is Matt' as I believe holds a stronger message than what some may seem it looks like. Matt Hardings video is filmed throughout many places where he dances, sometimes with the local people of the country. The video shows unity between the many countries around the globe. Although one another may seem different, they all have their similarities, and this connects us to one another. Matt harding mentions on his essay how it was a privilege to see the people around the world, to visit places he has never been to.

"Here's what I can report back: People want to feel connected to each other. They want to be heard and seen, and they're curious to hear and see others from places far away."

Matt harding clearly shows this with the many smiles of the people in the many different countries. He states that when he danced with the tens to hundreds of people, although they would be known different, their laughing, smiling and their ridiculous acts blurs out the fact, making each other closer, and more connected to each other. I believe that Matt harding created this video to help generate unity with people around the globe. Just like the quote above, people want to feel connected to each other, and Matt made this happen.

A quote by martin luther king, "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now." Shows that no matter how different we may be, or have started off being, we all have similarities within us

Who I Am

-This is who I am

I am the last day of school
Energetic and zestful
Impulsive and full of laughter
I bring the promise of an unforgettable summer.

I am the fox,
Watchful and sly
Running through the leaf filled forest
Hunting targeted prey, silent and unexpected

I am the sound of a saxophone
the sweeter I get, the more an audience appreciates
Although some may not hear the beauty at first
Once started, impossible to stop
I wrap the audience with my harmonious melody

I am a box of colored markers
Sometimes I blend in, creating new vibrant shades
Sometimes when mixed, the colors muddies the page
However alone, I stand out as the intense primary shade

I am a lion who roars with pride
Pacing through the savannah hunting for prey
I wait and rest for the sun to set
For then will be the time to strike
The time when the shadows of fear appear

The loud blast of music, the dance where all join in
I am your thumping heartbeat, everybody’s scream
I am the rushing excitement, the reason for your jumping
The air which is pushed out as you sing the last song

I am

Exquisite Corpse

I have chosen the image of above titled ‘Exquisite corpse’ because I felt it was abstract, and it represented how there is more than one side to me. The picture doesn’t show just a picture of a solid human, however many parts of a painting stuck together to create a whole new image.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wishes Hopes and Dreams

Cho Min Je                                                                                     



As I watched the video of Susan Boyle singing in the Tv show Britain’s got Talent, I was blown away by her amazing performance. When they introduced her, I didn’t think that she had much hope in her. Her looks didn’t seem like someone who would have a very bright future ahead of her, and I feel that the audience and the judges agreed with it too. People in the audience were laughing at her when she said that she wished to be a professional singer and shaking their heads. I could see some people rolling their eyes, but Susan Boyle staying persistent despite what the judges thought or the audience. There were sarcastic whistles, and underestimating looks of the audience. Singing a famous song, the judges and the audience had higher expectations, which Susan Boyle met. Her song choice also talks about dreams which too relates to her dream.

I could straight away tell that I had underestimated her talent just because of how she looked the moment she started. Her amazing voice gave me Goosebumps and a feeling which made me feel disappointed in myself. I was shocked and surprised, and I was wondering how I could simply judge her by how she looked. The facial expressions of the judges and the audience changed greatly, from laughter, to shock. Susan Boyle’s singing voice had such a great impact on everyone after everyone had not expected much from her. I could see that the people of the audience were regretting their choices, and how they thought of her. I myself have judged her wrong. Susan Boyle didn’t come out to the show, because she thought her looks would carry her to the top or because she thought that people would quickly like her, but because she knew that she had talent, talent which she wanted to show to the world.

            The second singer, Paul Potts from the same show Britain’s got talent first came out as someone which again the audience and the judges didn’t expect much from. You wouldn’t think much would come from a phones salesman. But Paul was different. He specifically said before he started that his dream was to spend the rest of his life to do what he feels he was born to do. He didn’t care what others thought; instead he wanted to do what he knew he was good at. Paul wanted to pursue his dream and by going onto the show, he achieved his goal.


            I believe this TV show is to emphasize the different types of talents which ordinary people that you see everyday, but underestimate have great talents. Both singers have dreams, which they wish to achieve, and they both succeeded greatly. I consider that society as we know today has made us to believe that people who are not similar, or have the looks of a singer do not have the talent to become a singer. People of today wouldn’t expect someone from a place where some wouldn’t know, or have jobs which don’t help contestants to achieve their goals. A mere television show helps for people who don’t seem to be anyhow special, different, and unique, helping them to achieve certain types of goals.

I chose the image above because i thought it represented achievement. Both contestants because of their dreams achieved  their goal and suceeded. The image shows how when achieving something, it makes you feel great. Paul and Susan's responses of receiving three yeses on the show Britains got Talent shows that they were content with their achievements.
Paul potts BGT
Susan Boyle BGT