Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci, the Man of the Renaissance

Renaissance, meaning Rebirth talks of the rebirth of knowledge. Da Vinci's creations and paintings show that he had created and painted things exceeding anybody's imagination. Da Vinci craved to learn, being a true genius of the Renaissance. Da Vinci's paintings and creations helped people of the Renaissance see things in new ways. Leonardo introduced new ways of drawings and sculpting. He had introduced the idea and thought of flying, which most people of the Renaissance thought made Leonardo seem abnormal. However, it is Da Vinci, the reason why the city state which he stayed in, Florence had flourished and become more urbanized. Because of his creative view in the world, people were able to use these out of ordinary ideas for their benefits rather in war or for discovery. Da Vinci was one of the most remarkable people of the Renaissance who took a big part in the 'Rebirth' of new knowledge.

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